Sunday, May 13, 2012


I didn't make bread for almost 2 years. Recently, I feel like making them again. I also noticed there are some methods to make the bread soft for few days.
Tangzhong or the water roux method is the best method to retain the soft and fluffy texture for homemade bread which can stay fresh for 5 days

Assorted Buns  
recipe by a blogger
25g bread flour , 125ml water

  1. Mix flour and water in a sauce pan
  2. Cook aover medium low heat, stirring consistently with a egg whisk to prevent the mixture from burning while cooking.
  3. The mixture will thicken up while cooking.
  4. Transfer the cooked dough into a clean bowl and cover with cling wrap .
  5. Cool it completely before use.

Ingredients to make the buns

350g bread flour
10g milk powder
6g instant dry yeast
50g sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg, lightly beaten
120g Tangzhong
125ml fresh milk
30g butter, soften

Topping or filling
Hotdog , cheese and black pepper tuna

  1. Put all dry ingredients in the mixing bowl and stir well.
  2. Add egg and milk into the mixing bowl . Get ready the dough hook and start with the min speed and increase to medium speed. (2 to 3 mins)
  3. Add in Tangzhong and mix well .Add butter
  4. Continue to beat until it form a smooth and elastic dough.
  5. If the mixture is wet add some plain flour till the dough didn't stick in the bowl.
  6. Cover dough and leave it to prove for 1hr.
  7. Divide dough into 40g each
  8. On a lightly floured surface, mould each dough into round ball
  9. Cover and rest for another 10 mins
  10. Flatten dough and rolled into round shape
  11. Place it on a tray (I put greased paper on baking tray)
  12. Arrange your topping on the surface and leave it to prove for 45 mins.
  13. Pre heat oven at 190 for 10 mins
  14. Baked bread for 10 to 15 mins until brown.
  15. Remove bread from tray and cool it on the wire rack.


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